Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 16-18 Photo Challenge

So, I may have mentioned before that I do not own a fancy camera. The camera I do have us very basic and since getting the iPhone in December, I use that mainly. The last few days have been to use light, day 16 was light trail and 17 was use of light as well. These I could not seem to capture one my phone :(. However, I was able to join in today's, which was a show of emotions. I took this photo of The Baby about a week ago. If he is waken up from his nap by anything, he cries for about an hour not wanting a thing!!!! It is rather frustrating and funny. You hand him his paci, he throws it then reaches for it all the while getting more and more angry. The last time he did this, I snapped a picture and was able to "show emotion" for today's challenge.

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