Wednesday, January 26, 2011

MM Sandwich

Tonight's dinner was MM Favorite Sandwich.  It was very tasty and I am not a fan of onions.  I took the big strings out of my sandwich and it was still very yummy.  The Hubby loved it because it had meat and onions.  I was waiting for him to say, "You know what would make this perfect...mushrooms." YUCK!  I do not cook with mushroom much, unless I can easily take them out.  I served these sandwiches with Twice Baked Potatoes.  I have never made those before and they were surprisingly easily and delicious!  Again, I was so ready to eat I forgot to get a picture of our sandwich, but I did get one of the potatoes.  Tomorrow, leftover potatoes and Tomato Soup.  Sounds great for these cold days.


  1. That sandwich is a favorite in our house. Fresh mushrooms for Nathan and easy for me to pick out. Same with the onions. Cut into long strips for hubs and for me to pick out :D Twiced Bakes Potatoes from Betty Crocker and fab too - the recipe that I use!


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