Monday, February 28, 2011


Today we started the letter "E."  The Boy was very excited to get back into school.  We had a little break when my mother arrived.  To start the day, we did a review of all the letters.  I usually ask for him to point out a letter on his Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree, but he took them all off and I cannot find them. :(  So, we reviewed with the work he has already done (I keep it all in a folder and book).  Once we finished our review, I introduced the letter E and e to him.  He traced the letters, tried to write them himself and then colored.  The stickers he added to his letter page today were Eggs.   I was very impressed with his writing.  When we finished his E page, he traced letters A-E in his book and did a great job on all of them.  His D's look fantastic!!!  I am glad he is so eager to learn.  I hope this continues as he gets older and actually starts school.

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